Our Approach

At Sky Peak Financial we take a three-dimensional approach to help you protect and build your wealth over time. We think of money in three phases:


How can we best work to help maximize a client’s financial potential?


How do we strategize to provide maximum income during retirement?


How can we best position you to leave a legacy to those you care about most?


  • Disability Income Insurance: Provides an income protection (an income may be our client’s most valuable asset).

  • Life Insurance: Determining what amount of coverage is the correct amount and what types of life insurance are the best fit for the client today and in the future.

  • Always reassessing if protection amounts are adequate.


  • Work to ensure that you are saving at least 15% of your gross income.

  • Establish a cash reserve which would be consistent with approximately 50% of your annual gross income.

  • Determining the best use of your employer sponsored plan.


  • Prudent diversification and asset allocation.

  • Filling different risk focused and tax sensitive buckets.

  • Commitment of ongoing savings to your financial model, where appropriate.

Get started with Sky Peak Financial, today.